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DVDrom "Art planétaire - Earth Art 2.0"
New version 2010 : DVDROM ART PLANETAIRE 2.0 (pdf french)
For more informations or to order this DVDrom, please contact Stéphan Barron
Cédérom Mac/PC, English -French
Title : Earth Art 2.0
Auteur : Stéphan BARRON
Size 21x21 cm, cover red
parution en cours
CD Rom " Earth Art - Art Planétaire"
Special opening event at Diago Kawenga discussion with Ami Barak - Art Critic
The CD-ROM's summary is composed of clouds. A sound from the project is generated when the cursor is placed on one of the clouds. Clicking on a cloud opens an interactive animation that sums up each earth art project. This non-narrative, non-textual presentation emphasizes the auditory aspect of Stephan Barron's work.
The CD-ROM includes theoretical texts by Roy Ascott, Théo Barbu, Paul Brown, Laurent Benoit, Augustin Berque, Anna Capella, Mario Costa, Jean-Paul Fargier, Jürgen Engel, Fred Forest, Edmond Couchot, Jacques Donguy, Derrick de Kerckhove, Antonin Kosik, Markus Müller, Louise Poissant, Pierre Restany, François Terrassoné ... as well as 300 pages from Stéphan Barron's doctoral dissertation on his work.
Mac/PC CD rom , English-French
Title : Stéphan Barron - Art Planétaire - Earth Art
Catalogue 24 pages, size 21x21 cm, transparent cover, blue text
ISBN: 2-95141175-1-9
EAN: 9782951417519
Editions : Rien de Spécial
Price : 33 euro (217 FF)
For Institution / mediatheques with no lending : 45 euro (300 FF)
For Institution / mediatheques with lending : 61 euro (400 FF)